Loading...Seventh Day

Android App

first school in Kolhapur to launch its own android app

SMS System

Parents will recive information such as Daily Homeworks,Notices,Attendance

CCTV Protection

School premises is under CCTV Camera surveillance

e Library

School Library : modern state-of-art, fully furnished informative resource center

About Us

Welcome to 7th Day School

The Seventh-day Adventist Higher Secondary School, Kolhapur, was founded in 1975 and is conducted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is registered as a participating institution under by-laws XXIX of the Council of the Seventh-day Adventist Educational institutions and under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, S. No. 267 of 1972. The School is also known as S.D.A. Higher Secondary School. The School is accredited to the World Adventist Accredited Institutions, Washington D. C., U.S.A.

This School is a minority School and does not receive any type of aid from the Government or Private Agencies

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Our Team


Mr. Thilluri Mohanrao
Mr. Suhas W Yelati
Mr. Manohar Karnad
Mr. Vinod Awale

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